Voices carry like whispers,
@ times like shouts.
Transformations internally,
Enrages and awakens a beastly appetite for destruction.
A thirst, a lusting desire for annihilation.
This war begins unexpectedly.
On a brink of a fallout,
A nuclear apocalyptical detoriating event.
Converging to destroy my world,
Consuming my ancient treasures.
Leaving me with only memories of what were presumable thoughts factually.
But were actually fictitious intent to
destroy me and my collective.
Shaking my stability as emotions run deep and quake my foundation.
Unearthing underneath a volatile manifestation.
Reminiscent of Ghangis Khan, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Medger Evers, Stokley Carmichael and Bobby Seale....
Staying four steps ahead,
I strategize my blockade.
Putting a stop to the run of the cards you deal.
Dethroning your privilege as your soul and breath I slowly steal.
For my appearance persuades and seduces your ego,
Into believing that my humbleness, is a scent of weakness....
A shell of passive quietness,
but truly I'm more than your
anticipated thought.
For inside this shell there lies in the dark....
An indestructible cube,
a ell that sleeps as still as midnight.
But awakened!
Brings devastation on which you cannot escape none.
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