Who is Da_Sun_Chyld

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spill The Wine

I don't recall how I got here?
Who brought me here?
I just remember this woman....
A caramel covered red-bone with a beautiful smile to match,
 matching all her gorgeousness.
She resembled an angel right of heaven.
Except she possessed this distinct feature.
She had away to make me obey,
 or should I say.... a persuasive way.
To include me in every way.
From taking drags of a rolled cigarette.
Getting me full on shots of nine patrons.
With tall glasses of what seemed to be cranberry wine.
Entertaining was her company and the night as we intertwined.
Mingling conversations of seductive and playful speech.
Charismatic was the sweep of my feet,
 placing me head first,
 wet inside her ambiance.
Hypnotized, she had my mind.....Gone!
The sweet taste of her lips, intoxicated me more.
The room continued spinning as we glided across the floor.
Then that kiss came once again,
 her soft lips,
 her sweet caress.
Her perfume and the tenderness of her body.
She engulfed me like the silk sheets we wrestled upon.
Becoming drenched by the sweat of our bodies burning.
Burning like the candles that melt away,
 as the hours we traced each others dimensions.
Then I wake here, alone, wrapped in these burgundy sheets, alone......
Being alone, I'm not worried about being alone,
 but, "How?" is the question....
How did I make it home?

2 Be Continued!

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