Who is Da_Sun_Chyld

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Perfect Pressure

A soft flicker in the corner.
A scent sweet, burns the ends of an incense in the shadows of the atomsphere.
Within this soul, stirs patience at a point of restlessness.
Anticipating the possibilities of an unsure reality.
The heart beats rapidly as the pulse slows its pace.
Inhaling breaths go deep, expanding lungs to capacity.
Mindless thoughts that once crowded mental halls.
Now empty and silent, lifeless as whispers of a deserted breezes are heard...

Skies fill with strange clouds, scorching delicate flowers of divine spirits.
Bringing the Ethereal Heavens closer, upon the wings of Zephyr.
Limitless and vast the mind becomes.
Tranquil blessings of a journey peaceful.
Soundtracked by an ol' school "One Mo' Gin" jams.
Chased down with inhibriated conversation.
Between pad and pen, 
the hand and the mind.
Verse and the time of the rhyme and the rhythm.
Perfect pitch to a perfect hit,
The perfect drop to the perfect break.
A perfect wind to a perfect grind.
A perfect melody to a perfect lyric.
The perfect kiss holding the perfect hips.
This perfect sunset over this perfect reflection off this ocean.
With Perfect Pressure I explore the perfect depths of you.

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